NewsSlipping away? The path towards meeting the SDGs IAS...

Slipping away? The path towards meeting the SDGs IAS Annual Letter

We are more than halfway to the 2030 deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include ending AIDS as a public health threat. Achievements have been significant, but so are the challenges that remain on the road ahead.


As the 2023 UNAIDS Global AIDS Update states, the path to achieving the SDGs and ending the HIV pandemic is not a mystery but a choice. Achieving the SDGs, however, requires a fully funded and targeted response. Not least, the abortion debate in the US surrounding PEPFAR’s reauthorization and the upcoming US election cycle could have significant implications for financing and political commitment towards the HIV response.


Below are the key areas around which IAS  the International AIDS Society  will convene, advocate and educate this year.

  • Advancing prevention
  • Promoting the latest research
  • Uniting the HIV response
  • Upholding human rights and putting people first
  • Integrating services
  • Improving access

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