Chapter VIII: Training of Staff and Volunteers on Safeguarding
Art. 46 The AAVE Group holds training and workshops on Human Rights, thus enabling members and service users of the institution to be aware of human rights in the various segments of society. The AAVE Group wishes to protect and respect the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, the rights of children and vulnerable adults. The workshops include the study of UN Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Brazilian Statute of the Child and Adolescent. (ECA – Law no. 8069/90). The Court of Childhood and Youth, an agency of the judiciary, disseminates and enforces the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law No. 8.069/90).
Art. 47: At the beginning of each year, the AAVE Group carries out training of new members, using material available from the Court of Childhood and Youth of the District of Goiânia, which is available online. ( Address: Av T 30 esq c/ T-47, 669, Setor Bueno, Cep 74.210-180, Goiânia/GO, Telephone: 3236-2700 Fax: 3236-2733) The training also includes the study of our Safeguarding Policy. If a new member joins the AAVE Group during the year, training is provided before the person begins to work. AAVE training on safeguarding of children/vulnerable adults includes these important points:
a) Interviewing children/vulnerable adults is different from taking the testimony of adults and should be considered as such.
b) The testimony of a child/vulnerable adults should always be performed in the presence of their parents, relatives or guardians.
c) The ability of children/vulnerable adults to express themselves verbally depends on age and stage of development. Their behavior may reveal more about what happened than their words so it is important to pay particular attention to nonverbal cues.
d) Children/vulnerable adults are particularly susceptible to fatigue and should not be pressured during the interrogation.
e) The child/vulnerable adults must receive support as soon as the testimony is over.
Sole Paragraph: The AAVE Group’s Safeguarding Officer maintains close contact with the Guardian Council and The Court of Childhood and Youth. The Safeguarding Officer avails of all training and updating which these departments provide in relation to child/vulnerable adult protection. (Appendix 01 for locations details)